Ash Wednesday
February 18, 2015
7:00 PM Holy Eucharist With Imposition of Ashes
Sundays of Lent
February 22, 2015 9 AM Holy Eucharist
March 1, 2015 9 AM Holy Eucharist
March 8, 2015 9 AM Holy Eucharist
March 15, 2015 9 AM Holy Eucharist
[NOTE: Easter Flower Orders Due This Week]
March 22, 2015 9 AM Holy Eucharist
Palm Sunday
March 29, 2015 9 AM Holy Eucharist With Blessing of Palm
Wednesdays: Days of Prayer
7 AM – 7 PM Trinity Episcopal Church of West Pittston Open for Quiet Prayer
Stations of The Cross
Friday, February 20, 2015
5:30 PM Soup and Bread Meal followed by 6:15 PM Stations of The Cross at The Episcopal Church of St. Clement and St. Peter, Hanover Street, Wilkes-Barre
Friday, February 27, 2015
6:15 PM Stations of The Cross at The Episcopal Church of St. Clement and St. Peter, Hanover Street, Wilkes-Barre
Friday, March 6, 2015
6:15 PM Stations of The Cross at The Episcopal Church of St. Clement and St. Peter, Hanover Street, Wilkes-Barre
Friday, March 13, 2015
6:15 PM Stations of The Cross at The Episcopal Church of St. Clement and St. Peter, Hanover Street, Wilkes-Barre
Friday, March 20, 2015
6:15 PM Stations of The Cross at The Episcopal Church of St. Clement and St. Peter, Hanover Street, Wilkes-Barre
Friday, March 27, 2015 ***
5:30 PM Soup and Bread Meal followed by 6:15 PM Stations of The Cross [ ***NOTE: at Trinity Episcopal Church of West Pittston]
Thursday, March 19, 2015
11 AM CHRISM MASS / Blessing of The Oils
[Nativity Cathedral, Bethlehem]
Maundy Thursday
April 2, 2015
5:30 PM AGAPE DINNER [NOTE: at St. Clement and St. Peter, Hanover Street, Wilkes Barre ] followed by 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist with The Washing of Feet
Good Friday ***
April 3, 2015
5:30 PM Good Friday Services [ *** NOTE: at Trinity Episcopal Church West Pittston]
Easter Vigil ***
April 4, 2007
7:30 PM The Holy Vigil and Lighting of The New Fire [ *** NOTE: at St. Stephen’s Pro-Cathedral, Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre]